The Wynne School District is currently accepting nominations for students to be considered for eligibility in the gifted education program. Students found eligible and in need of gifted services will receive support from 3rd to 12th grade. Eligibility is determined based on standardized achievement tests, mental ability and creativity tests, school performance inventories, and/or specific documentation of giftedness. Parents of nominated students eligible for further evaluation will receive notification letters.

An ideal GT candidate excels academically across various subjects, demonstrating curiosity, intellectual drive, creativity, and critical thinking skills. They also show self-motivation, effective communication, and a strong interest in collaboration.

To ensure no eligible student is overlooked, nominations from parents, community members, and students are encouraged. Anyone wishing to make a nomination should contact their building principal or G/T Coordinator, Holly Melton, at Wynne Intermediate School. All nominated students will receive equal consideration based on program eligibility standards.

The Wynne School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religious creed, national origin, physical handicap, sex, or age.

You can find more information on Wynne Public Schools' GT Program at the following link: